Source code for config.Config

import torch 
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.optim as optim
import os
import time
import datetime
import ctypes
import json

[docs]class Config(object): r"""In this class, we set the configuration parameters, adopt C library for data and memory processing. In the following, we train models and test models. """ def __init__(self): self.lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("./release/") self.lib.sampling.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_int64] self.lib.getHeadBatch.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] self.lib.getTailBatch.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] self.lib.testHead.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] self.lib.testTail.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] self.test_flag = False self.in_path = "./" self.out_path = "./" self.bern = 0 self.hidden_size = 100 self.ent_size = self.hidden_size self.rel_size = self.hidden_size self.train_times = 0 self.margin = 1.0 self.nbatches = 100 self.negative_ent = 1 self.negative_rel = 0 self.workThreads = 1 self.alpha = 0.001 self.lmbda = 0.000 self.log_on = 1 self.lr_decay=0.000 self.weight_decay=0.000 self.exportName = None self.importName = None self.export_steps = 0 self.opt_method = "SGD" self.optimizer = None def init(self): self.trainModel = None if self.in_path != None: self.lib.setInPath(ctypes.create_string_buffer(self.in_path, len(self.in_path) * 2)) self.lib.setBern(self.bern) self.lib.setWorkThreads(self.workThreads) self.lib.randReset() self.lib.importTrainFiles() self.relTotal = self.lib.getRelationTotal() self.entTotal = self.lib.getEntityTotal() self.trainTotal = self.lib.getTrainTotal() self.batch_size = self.lib.getTrainTotal() / self.nbatches self.batch_seq_size = self.batch_size * (1 + self.negative_ent + self.negative_rel) self.batch_h = np.zeros(self.batch_size * (1 + self.negative_ent + self.negative_rel), dtype = np.int64) self.batch_t = np.zeros(self.batch_size * (1 + self.negative_ent + self.negative_rel), dtype = np.int64) self.batch_r = np.zeros(self.batch_size * (1 + self.negative_ent + self.negative_rel), dtype = np.int64) self.batch_y = np.zeros(self.batch_size * (1 + self.negative_ent + self.negative_rel), dtype = np.float32) self.batch_h_addr = self.batch_h.__array_interface__['data'][0] self.batch_t_addr = self.batch_t.__array_interface__['data'][0] self.batch_r_addr = self.batch_r.__array_interface__['data'][0] self.batch_y_addr = self.batch_y.__array_interface__['data'][0] if self.test_flag: self.lib.importTestFiles() self.test_h = np.zeros(self.lib.getEntityTotal(), dtype = np.int64) self.test_t = np.zeros(self.lib.getEntityTotal(), dtype = np.int64) self.test_r = np.zeros(self.lib.getEntityTotal(), dtype = np.int64) self.test_h_addr = self.test_h.__array_interface__['data'][0] self.test_t_addr = self.test_t.__array_interface__['data'][0] self.test_r_addr = self.test_r.__array_interface__['data'][0]
[docs] def get_ent_total(self): r"""This method gets the entity total of knowledge base. """ return self.entTotal
[docs] def get_rel_total(self): r""" This method gets the relation total of knowledge base. """ return self.relTotal
def set_lmbda(self, lmbda): self.lmbda = lmbda
[docs] def set_opt_method(self, method): r"""This method sets the optimizer for your model. Arguments: optimizer: ``SGD`` ``Adagrad`` ``Adam`` and ``Adadelta`` can be chosen for optimizing. """ self.opt_method = method
[docs] def set_test_flag(self, flag): r"""This method sets whether we test our model. Arguments: flag (bool): if True, we test the model. .. note:: Note that test_flag must be set **after** all the other configuration parameters are set. """ self.test_flag = flag
[docs] def set_log_on(self, flag): r"""This method sets whether to log on the loss value. Arguments: flag (bool): if True, logs on the loss value when training. """ self.log_on = flag
[docs] def set_alpha(self, alpha): r"""This mothod sets the learning rate for gradient descent. Arguments: alpha (float): the learning rate. """ self.alpha = alpha
[docs] def set_in_path(self, path): r"""This method sets the path of benchmark. """ self.in_path = path
[docs] def set_out_files(self, path): r"""This method sets where to emport embedding matrix. """ self.out_path = path
[docs] def set_bern(self, bern): r"""This method sets the strategy for negative sampling. Arguments: bern: "bern" or "unif" """ self.bern = bern
[docs] def set_dimension(self, dim): r"""This method sets the entity dimension and relation dimension at the same time. Arguments: dim (int): the dimension of entity and relation. """ self.hidden_size = dim self.ent_size = dim self.rel_size = dim
[docs] def set_ent_dimension(self, dim): r"""This method sets the dimension of entity. Arguments: dim (int): the dimension of entity. """ self.ent_size = dim
[docs] def set_rel_dimension(self, dim): r"""This method sets the dimension of relation. Arguments: dim (int): the dimension of relation. """ self.rel_size = dim
[docs] def set_train_times(self, times): r"""This method sets the rounds for training. Arguments: times (int): rounds for training. """ self.train_times = times
[docs] def set_nbatches(self, nbatches): r"""This method sets the number of batch. Arguments: nbatches (int): number of batch. """ self.nbatches = nbatches
[docs] def set_margin(self, margin): r"""This method sets the margin for the widely used pairwise margin-based ranking loss. Arguments: margin (float): margin for margin-based ranking function """ self.margin = margin
[docs] def set_work_threads(self, threads): r"""We can use multi-threading trainning for accelaration. This method sets the numebr of threads. Arguments: threads (int): number of working threads. """ self.workThreads = threads
[docs] def set_ent_neg_rate(self, rate): r"""the number of negatives generated per positive training sample influnces the experiment results. This method sets the number of negative entities constructed per positive sample. Arguments: rate (int): the number of negative entities per positive sample. """ self.negative_ent = rate
[docs] def set_rel_neg_rate(self, rate): r"""This method sets the number of negative relations per positive sample. Arguments: rate (int): the number of negative relations per positive sample. """ self.negative_rel = rate
[docs] def set_import_files(self, path): r"""Model paramters are exported automatically every few rounds. This method sets the path to find exported model parameters. Arguments: path: path to automatically exported model parameters. """ self.importName = path
[docs] def set_export_files(self, path): r"""Model parameters will be exported to this path automatically. Arguments: path: files that model parameters will be exported to. """ self.exportName = path
[docs] def set_export_steps(self, steps): r""" This method sets that every few steps the model paramters will be exported automatically. Arguments: steps (int): Models will be exported via automatically every few rounds """ self.export_steps = steps
[docs] def set_lr_decay(self,lr_decay): r"""This method sets the learning rate decay for ``Adagrad`` optim method. Arguments: lr_decay (float): learning rate decay """ self.lr_decay=lr_decay
[docs] def set_weight_decay(self,weight_decay): r"""This method sets the weight decay for ``Adagrad`` optim method. Arguments: weight_decay (float): weight decay for ``Adagrad``. """ self.weight_decay=weight_decay
[docs] def sampling(self): r"""In this function, we choose positive samples and construct negative samples. """ self.lib.sampling(self.batch_h_addr, self.batch_t_addr, self.batch_r_addr, self.batch_y_addr, self.batch_size, self.negative_ent, self.negative_rel)
[docs] def save_pytorch(self): r"""This method saves the model paramters to ``self.exportName`` which was set by :func:`set_export_files`. """, self.exportName)
[docs] def restore_pytorch(self): r"""This method restore model through ``torch.load`` """ self.trainModel.load_state_dict(torch.load(self.importName))
[docs] def export_variables(self, path = None): r"""This method export model paramters through ````. Arguments: path: If None, this function euquals to :func:`save_pytorch`, else save paramters to ``path`` """ if path == None:, self.exportName) else:, path)
[docs] def import_variables(self, path = None): r"""This method export model paramters through ``torch.load``. Arguments: path: If None, this function euquals to :func:`restore_pytorch`, else save paramters to ``path`` """ if path == None: self.trainModel.load_state_dict(torch.load(self.importName)) else: self.trainModel.load_state_dict(torch.load(path))
def get_parameter_lists(self): return self.trainModel.cpu().state_dict() def get_parameters_by_name(self, var_name): return self.trainModel.cpu().state_dict().get(var_name)
[docs] def get_parameters(self, mode = "numpy"): r"""This method gets the model paramters. Arguments: mode: if ``numpy``, returns model parameters as numpy array, if ``list``, returns those as list """ res = {} lists = self.get_parameter_lists() for var_name in lists: if mode == "numpy": res[var_name] = lists[var_name].numpy() if mode == "list": res[var_name] = lists[var_name].numpy().tolist() else: res[var_name] = lists[var_name] return res
[docs] def save_parameters(self, path = None): r"""This method save model parameters as json files when training finished. Arguments: path: if None, save parameters to ``self.out_path`` which was set by :func:`set_out_files`. """ if path == None: path = self.out_path f = open(path, "w") f.write(json.dumps(self.get_parameters("list"))) f.close()
def set_parameters_by_name(self, var_name, tensor): self.trainModel.state_dict().get(var_name).copy_(torch.from_numpy(np.array(tensor))) def set_parameters(self, lists): for i in lists: self.set_parameters_by_name(i, lists[i])
[docs] def set_model(self, model): r"""This method sets the traing model and optimizer method. Arguments: model: training model. We can choose from :class:``models.TransE`` :class:``models.TransH`` :class:``models.TransR`` :class:``models.TransD`` :class:``models.RESCAL`` :class:``models.DistMult`` and :class:``models.ComplEx`` """ self.model = model self.trainModel = self.model(config = self) self.trainModel.cuda() if self.optimizer != None: pass elif self.opt_method == "Adagrad" or self.opt_method == "adagrad": self.optimizer = optim.Adagrad(self.trainModel.parameters(), lr=self.alpha,lr_decay=self.lr_decay,weight_decay=self.weight_decay) elif self.opt_method == "Adadelta" or self.opt_method == "adadelta": self.optimizer = optim.Adadelta(self.trainModel.parameters(), lr=self.alpha) elif self.opt_method == "Adam" or self.opt_method == "adam": self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.trainModel.parameters(), lr=self.alpha) else: self.optimizer = optim.SGD(self.trainModel.parameters(), lr=self.alpha)
[docs] def run(self): r"""In this function, we train the model""" if self.importName != None: self.restore_pytorch() for epoch in range(self.train_times): res = 0.0 for batch in range(self.nbatches): self.sampling() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = self.trainModel() res = res +[0] loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() if self.exportName != None and (self.export_steps!=0 and epoch % self.export_steps == 0): self.save_pytorch() if self.log_on == 1: print epoch print res if self.exportName != None: self.save_pytorch() if self.out_path != None: self.save_parameters(self.out_path)
[docs] def test(self): r"""In this function, we test the model.""" if self.importName != None: self.restore_pytorch() #self.trainModel.cuda() total = self.lib.getTestTotal() for epoch in range(total): self.lib.getHeadBatch(self.test_h_addr, self.test_t_addr, self.test_r_addr) res = self.trainModel.predict(self.test_h, self.test_t, self.test_r) self.lib.testHead(['data'][0]) self.lib.getTailBatch(self.test_h_addr, self.test_t_addr, self.test_r_addr) res = self.trainModel.predict(self.test_h, self.test_t, self.test_r) self.lib.testTail(['data'][0]) if self.log_on: print epoch self.lib.test()